Estimated National Statistics for 2023-2024

Insight collects statutory assessments from over 4,000 primary schools in England.

Using the results, we can estimate the national statistics. This provides an early indication of the national picture before the official statistics are released.

Estimates are compared against the previous year's official national statistics published by the DfE.

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KS2 attainment

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard

Subject 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
Reading 73.6% 73.0% 0.6 138,109
Writing 71.9% 71.0% 0.9 135,508
Maths 72.0% 73.0% -1.0 137,980
GPS 71.6% 72.0% -0.4 137,582
Science 81.9% 80.0% 1.9 133,988
R/W/M combined 60.2% 60.0% 0.2 132,558

Percentage of pupils meeting the higher standard

Subject 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
Reading 27.8% 29.0% -1.2 138,109
Writing 12.3% 13.0% -0.7 135,508
Maths 23.0% 24.0% -1.0 137,980
GPS 30.9% 30.0% 0.9 137,582
R/W/M combined 7.3% 8.0% -0.7 132,558

KS1 attainment

Key Stage 1 assessments are no longer statutory. However, many schools are still choosing to assess pupils, so we collect the results and estimate the national statistics.

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard

Subject 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
Reading 71.0% 68.0% 3.0 68,326
Writing 62.1% 60.0% 2.1 66,997
Maths 71.2% 70.0% 1.2 68,151
Science 81.8% 79.0% 2.8 57,261
R/W/M combined 57.3% n/a

Percentage of pupils meeting the higher standard

Subject 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
Reading 18.7% 19.0% -0.3 68,326
Writing 8.2% 8.0% 0.2 66,997
Maths 15.5% 16.0% -0.5 68,151
R/W/M combined 5.8% n/a

Multiplication tables check attainment

Statistic 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
Mean average score 20.6 20.2 0.4 127,241
Scored 25 34.1% 29.0% 5.1 130,020

Phonics screening check

Percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the phonics screening check

Statistic 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
In Y1 80.3% 79.0% 1.3 129,269
By end of Y2 90.6% 89.0% 1.6 135,409

Early years foundation stage profile

Statistic 2024 Estimate 2023 Actual Change Sample
GLD 68.0% 67.2% 0.8 124,211
Expected in all ELGs 66.6% 65.6% 1.0 124,151
Average number ELGs at expected 14.2 14.1 0.1 124,151